Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday: Our Schedule - April 27 - May 1, 2009

Hard to believe that the school year is winding down. 5 more weeks of school, and then we go into our summer schedule. I'll post about our summer schedule in a future post.


For the Month

Number : 7
Shape : oval
Animal : bird
Botany : seeds
Continent : Europe

For the Week:

Letter : th
Theme : Bugs and Gardens
In the Reading Basket: Wiggly Worms At Work, Diary of a Worm, Creepy Crawlies, Ladybugs, and Bettle Bop.

3rd Grade

Literature: Samantha books from the American Girl Series

History: Books from the library about Industrial Revolution, Statue of Liberty, and New York and New York City. We also love the "Welcome to _____'s World" American Girl books for showing pictures of the real people and events from each time period.

Mathematics: Practice Makes Perfect - Multiplication and Division for Grade 3 by Teacher Created Resources

Spelling: Spell and Write for Grade 6, Unit 4

Parts of Speech: Practice Makes Perfect - Parts of Speech , Conjuctions

Geography: New Hampshire and New Jersey in Don't Know Much About The 50 States and Rand McNally Children's Illustrated Atlas of the United States.

Botany: Shanleya's Quest - finishing up the last chapter and reviewing the book

Zoology: Finish up study on human body parts

Music: Playing the recorder, and letter "U" in M is for Melody

Art: Free Art and letter "U" in M is for Masterpiece

Poetry: "U" in R is for Rhyme

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