Monday, April 13, 2009

Schedule: April 13-17, 2009


Practical Life: Sweeping
Sensorial: Stereognostic Bag
Language: Moveable Alphabet
Science: Weather
Zoology: Birds
Botany: Seeds & Growing Plants
Geography: Europe

Letter of the Week: X. This is our last letter of the alphabet. Starting next week, we will start with simple blends.

Number of the Week: 7

Shape of the Month: Oval

In Our Reading Basket: This is the Sunflower, Fletcher Gets Hatched, Grow Flower Grow, In the Garden, and A Present from A Bird

3rd Grade

Literature: Addy books from the American Girl series
Writing: Journal and writing a report every two weeks about the American Girl she is studying, where she lives, and the events of the time.
History: Slavery, Civil War, Abraham Lincoln.
Spelling: We moved to a Spell and Write workbook for Grade 6.
Parts of Speech: Currently working on adverbs.
Mathematics: Working on one and two digit multiplication and simple division using Grade 3 workbooks.
Botany: Working on seeds and Shanlaya's Quest
Zoology: Human Body Systems
Geography: Montana and Nebraska

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